Partner of Krynica Forum 2023

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) is a Polish development bank, the only such institution in the country. BGK supports and encourages the sustainable social and economic development of Poland. Measures taken by the Bank contribute to the creation of jobs, building of apartments, development of infrastructure and improvement of air quality. BGK ensures the well-being of future generations – it builds social capital, develops entrepreneurship and provides responsible financing. It is present in every region of Poland as well as abroad with its representative offices in Brussels, London, Frankfurt am Main and Amsterdam.

It supports export and foreign expansion of Polish companies. BGK is the originator, co-founder and main shareholder of the Three Seas Fund which invests in transport, energy and digital infrastructure in the countries of the Three Seas region. BGK, through cooperation with business, the public sector and financial institutions, responds to economic needs and undertakes a number of initiatives promoting sustainable development.


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