
Polish-Korean Forum will be the key element of the program during the Krynica Forum 2023. It aims to pay tribute to the long-standing relationship between both countries and ultimately reveals its strong strategic dimension.

Krynica-Zdrój is a city located in the heart of the CEE region. The favourable spot of the Krynica Forum 2023 makes it an interesting place for South Korea, mostly due to its interest in expanding into European markets.

The milestones of cooperation between Poland and South Korea over the last decade:

- projects bringing a civilizational change in Poland,
- investments worth billions of Euros,
- example and inspiration for other CEE countries.

South Korea is a country with great opportunities and achievements, as well as far-reaching aspirations to increase its presence in European markets. The success of South Korea in dynamizing cooperation with Poland can serve as an example on how to build fruitful relations with Central and Eastern European countries.

The Polish-Korean Forum will present the strategic cooperation and projects bringing civilization changes in Poland (ex. nuclear energy, armaments deals) and investments worth billions of euros. Close partnership with Korean Partners will result in the presence of important stakeholders from South Korea who want to invest in Poland.


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