Strategic Partners
Narodowy Bank Polski is the central bank of the state responsible for monetary policy and price stability. Its functions are defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Act on NBP. NBP has the exclusive right to issue money.
NBP collects and manages the state's foreign exchange reserves, which guarantee the credibility and financial security of the country.
NBP provides services to the state budget as well as entities from the public finance sector. As a central bank, it does not maintain bank accounts of citizens, does not accept deposits from them, and does not grant loans.
NBP acts as the bank of banks, creating conditions for the operation of the banking system. It is also one of the most important research and analytical centers in the field of economics and financial markets.
NBP collects and manages the state's foreign exchange reserves, which guarantee the credibility and financial security of the country.
NBP provides services to the state budget as well as entities from the public finance sector. As a central bank, it does not maintain bank accounts of citizens, does not accept deposits from them, and does not grant loans.
NBP acts as the bank of banks, creating conditions for the operation of the banking system. It is also one of the most important research and analytical centers in the field of economics and financial markets.
Strategic Partners
Małopolska Regional Development Agency (MARR) has been working on the development and increased competitiveness of Małopolska companies for 30 years.
It is an experienced and reliable business partner that provides assistance in financing, investment, consultancy and training. It creates favourable conditions for conducting business and promotes the economic brand of the region abroad.
MARR facilitates business start-ups by offering competitive loan funds tailored to the needs of aspiring entrepreneurs.
The agency enhances the skills of entrepreneurs and business staff by offering professional trainings. It answers the current needs of Małopolska-based companies by organising events, conferences and introducing new dedicated products and services in response to market demands.
MARR promotes the idea of sustainable development and CSR activities in the area of strategy development and its implementation.
It is an experienced and reliable business partner that provides assistance in financing, investment, consultancy and training. It creates favourable conditions for conducting business and promotes the economic brand of the region abroad.
MARR facilitates business start-ups by offering competitive loan funds tailored to the needs of aspiring entrepreneurs.
The agency enhances the skills of entrepreneurs and business staff by offering professional trainings. It answers the current needs of Małopolska-based companies by organising events, conferences and introducing new dedicated products and services in response to market demands.
MARR promotes the idea of sustainable development and CSR activities in the area of strategy development and its implementation.
Województwo Podkarpackie
Województwo Podkarpackie to brama Unii Europejskiej, przestrzeń nowoczesnej gospodarki, nieskażonej przyrody, ekologicznego rolnictwa. Przestrzeń dająca nieograniczone możliwości inwestycyjne, infrastruktura wspierająca rozwój technologii oraz ludzie pozwalający na realizację niekonwencjonalnych projektów. Innowacyjne technologie lotnictwa, informatyki czy motoryzacji sąsiadują tu z obszarami aktywnego wypoczynku, górskiej przyrody, bogatej kultury. A do tego Bieszczady, Beskid Niski, Roztocze, Dolina Sanu i Wisły. Czyste powietrze, dzika przyroda, ślady zachwycającej przeszłości, okraszone znakomitą regionalną kuchnią i typową polską gościnnością. To Podkarpackie!